
DoubleDecker messaging system

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DoubleDecker messaging system

DoubleDecker is an hierarchical distributed message system based on ZeroMQ which can be used to provide messaging between processes running on a single machine and between processes running on multiple machines. It is hierarchical in the sense that message brokers are connected to each-other in a tree topology and route messages upwards in case they don't have the destination client beneath themselves.

DoubleDecker currently supports two types of messaging, Notifications, i.e. point-to-point messages from one client to another, and Pub/Sub on a topic. The Pub/Sub mechanism furthermore allows scoping when subscribing to a topic. This means that a client can restrict the subscription to messages published only within a certain scope, such as to clients connected to the same broker, a specific broker, or different groups of brokers.

DoubleDecker currently supports multiple tenants by authenticating clients using public/private keys, encrypting messages, and enforcing that messages cannot cross from one tenant to another. Additionally there is a special tenant called 'public' that can cross tenant boundaries. This can be used in order to connect clients that are intended to provide a public service, such as a registration service for all tenants, a name-lookup service, or similar.

Double Decker tenants messaging

This initial release contains only the Python version of the DoubleDecker broker and client library (and a demo client). A version in C is planned to be released shortly.

This work is carried out within the UNIFY FP7 EU project. For more information about the purpose and how we use DoubleDecker, see:


DoubleDecker requires Python > 3.3. To install on Ubuntu 15.10, run the script which performs these actions:

#install dependencies 
apt-get update
apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-nacl python3-zmq python3-urwid python3-tornado git
# clone the code
git clone
# install the doubledecker module and scripts
cd DoubleDecker/python
sudo python3 install
# generate public/private keys
cd /etc
mkdir doubledecker
cd doubledecker
# create keys for 4 tenants, public, tenant a, b, and c (input "a,b,c")


# start a broker listening for TCP connections on *:5555, using the keys
# from broker-keys.json, called 'broker0' -r tcp://*:5555 -k /etc/doubledecker/broker-keys.json broker0
# start a client from tentant A, called cli1, connect to broker0 -d tcp:// -k /etc/doubledecker/a-keys.json cli1 a
# start a second client tentant A, called cli2, connect to broker0 -d tcp:// -k /etc/doubledecker/a-keys.json cli2 a
# now you can use the CLI interface to send notifications
# from cli1 to cli2 or to subscribe and publish messages
# to send a notification from cli1 to cli2
Send Notification -> Destination: cli2 -> Message: hello -> Notify
should result in message "hello" appearing at cli2
# to subscribe to topic "alarms"
Subscribe to topic -> Topic: alarms -> Scope: region -> Subscribe
# to publish on topic alarms
Publish message -> Topic: alarms -> Message: warning -> Publish


DoubleDecker is licensed under LGPLv2, for more details see COPYING.LESSER.

The file 'python/doubledecker/' is from the Google PyTrie module, licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License.